9 Benefits of Chia Seeds (And a Few Drawbacks)

chia seedsThere are many benefits to eating chia seeds. In fact, they are considered a “super food” because of the many nutrients they provide. And, as you will see below, they are packed with lots of good stuff.

However, you should know that just because it has been dubbed a super food, does not mean you should jump in and start consuming lots of it. Start slow and make sure it works well for you. One person’s super food can be another person’s toxin.

So, before I get into the benefits, lets look at the other side of chia seeds.

Things to Consider Before Eating Chia Seeds

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Chia Pudding Parfait

On its own, chia pudding* is a great treat when you are looking for something different. Something with texture and a little sweet. In this recipe, I combined the pudding with fruit to make a parfait, using raspberries and blueberries to create a red, white and blue version in honor of Independence Day.

As you will see below, chia pudding is simple to make. Use this recipe as a base and create your own yummy version. Some examples include eating the chia pudding with grain-free granola, stirring in some organic powdered cacao for a chocolate version, topping the pudding with nuts or seeds, or just enjoy it plain.

Chia seeds are packed with nutrients. Learn more about chia seeds here.

*NOTE: This recipe is high oxalate due to the chia seeds. You can substitute chia pudding with whipped coconut milk for a similar parfait effect. Continue reading

Summer Fun: Are You Prepared for Sun and Bugs?

I have written quite a bit about building your immune system and keeping it strong. That is your best defense against things like viruses and bacteria.

Now that summer is around the corner, I want to make sure you have the best solutions for fun in the sun and potential bug bites, including ticks. How you handle these two things can either boost your immune system or knock it down. Read on to find out more, including how to properly remove a tick. Continue reading

Sweet and Tart Cake

I made this sweet and tart cake for the first time when we celebrated two birthdays at the end of February, shortly before the talk of quarantines. When Memorial Day came around and the city of Nashville prepared to start opening back up, it seemed appropriate to make it again. This time as a celebration of the future.

It is extremely easy to make. I used a gluten free cake mix, which has just the right amount of sweetness. (See below mix suggestions.) It is the glaze topping that makes it so unique – it has only 3 ingredients and two of them come from a lemon. Continue reading

C-virus Part 3: Hope, Not Fear – Prevention and Healings Are Taking Place

UPDATE: Please note that certain search engines and social media platforms have been removing natural health videos and other information from their sites, so some of the links below may no longer be working. Dr. Brownstein’s office has been helping many with COVID-19 symptoms using natural remedies (with one resulting hospitalization and no deaths). He was censored and his interviews and website/blog were eventually shut down by the FDA because he had no studies to back up his successes.

This is not your typical narrative. Many on the front lines are making great strides and helping people. Despite what you have been hearing, it is possible to heal from COVID-19, even if you get very sick. I will be sharing a number of links, some of which are videos interviewing medical professionals and/or actual patients who recovered.

You can see the success stories for yourself. I want you to live with hope and not fear.

Yes, people have died, but now that we know more, many more are recovering even without going to the emergency room. Many, many more have had this virus with little to no incident. In fact, it is thought that as many as 50% may be asymptomatic! This is possible if your immune system is strong.

First I want to share with you the latest list of possible symptoms, since there are many more symptoms than originally thought. Be sure to continue to read to the end. This article contains much valuable information, including tools you should have at home. You will find the information useful, especially if you or someone you know gets sick. Continue reading

C-virus Part 2: More Safety Tips and New Dispensary Available

There are currently multiple states in the US with confirmed cases of the current strain of the coronavirus (c-virus) and unfortunately some reported deaths, including in Tennessee. Now that it has hit closer to home, I wanted to remind everyone to stay calm and in a place of peace.

If you listen to the news, it brings you to a place of fear. So much of the news consists of small sound bites that do not necessarily give you the bigger picture. Yes, people are dying from c-virus or the disease known as COVID-19. But, the numbers are much fewer when compared to the annual number of people who die from the flu. And, it’s the people with a compromised immune system that are most affected.

In fact, some of us are walking around with a virus of some sort and do not know it. If your immune system is strong, it is often able to fight off microbes without any symptoms. Most commonly, this new Corona virus causes symptoms very similar to the common cold. (More symptoms explained below and in my newer article here.)

Remember what I wrote previously. Staying calm and stress-free is a big part of staying healthy. Instead of feeling the need to “fight” the virus, continue to concentrate on building your immune system (as I explained in more detail here in Part 1) and using tools like meditation, prayer, and deep breathing to stay centered.

Another way to stay stress-free is to be prepared, just in case you or someone in your family gets sick. Read on to learn more about supplements and other immune building strategies. Continue reading

C-virus Part 1: Great Resources for Corona Virus Safety

Lots of information is being distributed by many sources about the new coronavirus (c-virus) and its related disease (COVID-19). I have been following it too, from my holistic-minded point of view.

I wanted to share with you a well-written, balanced article by a medical doctor I trust who has nicely organized the main facts and recommends many of the same things that I do.

See this article by holistic pediatrician Elisa Song, MD for the latest details.

Just like other viruses, people hit the hardest are the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

The good news is that children seem to be relatively protected from the COVID-19 with few getting sick compared to other age groups. Pregnant women who contract the virus in their third trimester are also continuing to have healthy babies.


What I wrote in this previous article about the last virus outbreak still applies: Protect Yourself from the Flu – Concentrate on Building Your Immune System. Keep reading below for many additional resources so that you can stay prepared.

In general, immune-building basics include: Continue reading

End-of-life Planning – It Is Never to Early to Plan Ahead

end-of-life planninFirst published in April 2018 when my dad began having health issues at the age of 85, this updated article now includes additional end-of-life information (see epilogue below), based on what we have learned during this two-year process and dad’s eventual passing in January 2020.

I usually write about the many ways to heal your body. However, after my own recent experiences working through the trauma of an aging parent, I wanted to pass on my newfound knowledge in the hopes that it helps someone else. My brothers and I wish we had had a better map to follow as we negotiated the twists and turns of decisions that needed to be made as we tried to do what was best for our dad.

If you have an aging parent or if you are a parent with older children, I would strongly encourage you to do the uncomfortable — to have those end-of-life discussions with your loved ones before it is too late. Talk about options, preferences, wishes, etc. (See links below.)

I had some of those discussions with my parents over the years, but as my four brothers and I have come to find out these past couple of months, these discussions were not enough. The legal documents put in place were also not enough.

It has been a rough couple of months for my family, especially my dad. Below in the epilogue the story continues during the last two years of dad’s life. Continue reading

Digital Dementia: Do You or Your Child Have It?

Digital Dementia - Do You Have It?

Have you heard about digital dementia? What about “tech trance” or “computer coma?” These are real concerns that health practitioners are seeing around the world . . . and health problems that are starting to be backed up by science.

We are all spending more time on screens than ever before – smart phones, computers, tablets, smart watches, e-readers, etc.  Even basic toddler toys now have screens in them.

All these screens are creating a new health crisis: digital dementia.

It is affecting our brain, causing problems for children and adults alike. We are literally losing brain function and, in some cases, brain size. This is a result of multiple factors that center around using screens: addiction, loss of one-on-one social interaction, exposure to EMFs and wireless radiation, and the effects of the blue light being emitted from these devices.

If you want to become less addicted, less anxious, less anti-social, and rebuild your brain, read on to find out more. As I explain the problems and the strategies for change, learn how you can make changes for yourself and your family.


Like the name sounds, Continue reading

Veggie GF Pizza (Gluten-free and Dairy-free)

One American food favorite that is difficult to find gluten-free, dairy-free and GMO-free is PIZZA.

Most gluten-free pizza crusts include one unsavory ingredient or another, such as canola oil, corn, or soy. Most cauliflower crusts include dairy. And I have yet to find a gluten-free pizza (frozen or mix) that is also organic.

When my son was craving pizza last week, I used the best option I could find. It is not organic but has a pretty good ingredient list: Namaste Pizza Crust Mix.

The key to making a veggie pizza without cheese is to find an alternate ingredient that has some flavor. For us, that is a good pesto. We recently found a vegan pesto by Gotham Greens and have been using it in salads and wraps too. Continue reading

My Family’s Natural “Medicine Cabinet”

Now that the weather is getting colder and you hear about more people getting sick, I thought I would give you a quick peak into my family’s natural “medicine cabinet.”

It differs greatly from a typical medicine cabinet, filled with drug store medicines. Instead it includes herbs, essential oils, homeopathics, and even food and beverages.

Because the colder months bring shorter days with less sunlight and therefore less time to be outdoors for fresh air and exercise, we also make sure to put extra beneficial things into our bodies. Warm foods and beverages are key – things like drinking heated bone broth and vital veggie broth, drinking a variety of organic herbal teas*, and eating nourishing soups.

When we start to feel under the weather, here is a list of our favorite things to have on hand: Continue reading

New Techniques to Search for Quality Health Information On-line

UPDATE March 31, 2022. Since first publishing this article in September 2019, on-line censorship has exploded, especially as it relates to natural health. It is more difficult than ever to get reliable health-related information that shows more than the medical paradigm. This article has been updated to help you stay informed, so you can make the best decisions for your health and that of your loved ones.

If you like to do your own health research on-line, you should know that censorship has hit the natural health industry with a vengeance.

It was already bad enough in late 2019 that Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has one of the largest and longest running alternative health websites, decided to leave Facebook, leaving behind 1.8 million followers. By the end of 2021 he was forced to remove 25 years of archived natural health articles from his website.

Originally, the natural health censorship started banning certain topics like alternative cancer therapies and pro-choice vaccine information. Then it moved on to natural health therapies and health freedom websites.

Now many of the top alternative health websites and social media platforms, including those by licensed medical doctors, are being affected. If you search for a specific health-related topic, previously popular links are no longer being provided.
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Grilled Shish Kabobs

Growing up, my mother did not use a lot of recipes when making dinner. She just used her instincts. Years later I learned that the way she cooked was known as farm cooking. It makes sense. She grew up on a vegetable farm where her family of 12 grew their own vegetables. She was used to putting meals together from the garden.

That is why I like recipes like this one for shish kabobs. You don’t really need to measure. It is more about getting a variety of colorful veggies and deciding what type of meat to use. (If you are vegetarian, skip the meat and use more vegetables.) Be sure to use organic vegetables and quality meat. Once you fill up the kabob sticks, put all the remaining ingredients into a grill skillet and cook those on the grill too. Continue reading

Leaky Roofs, Alzheimer’s, and Healing Your Body

What does a leaky roof and your health have in common?

I was recently reminded of a concept that I first learned from Dr. Dale Bredesen in his book The End of Alzheimer’s. As he explains in detail in his book, Bredesen is having great success helping those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, helping them recover and return to leading full lives.

In his book, Bredesen makes an analogy between someone with Alzheimer’s and a roof with holes, or what I like to call a leaky roof.

He determined a total of 36 health markers that can compromise the brain, causing it to degrade. These markers include those that can be measured, such as brain-related peptides, hormones, and neurotransmitters, as well as lifestyle factors like quality of sleep and stress levels. (See details below.) Continue reading

Broccoli and Beef Stir Fry  

Making a big batch of healthy stir fry is like making a big batch of soup. You can eat from it for several meals and even freeze it for a future meal.

It is also a great way to use up the extra veggies in the refrigerator. There are a few staples I put in every stir fry I make, like onions and garlic. The rest depends on what I have on hand: kale, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peas, zucchini, etc. You get the idea.

And I always add a protein, like meat, nuts, and/or legumes, plus add a few spices for flavor. Or, keep the spices to a minimum and add a good quality salt or coconut aminos to taste during the meal. (If using legumes instead of meat, add rice or quinoa too.**)

Every stir fry meal turns out a bit different. In the recipe below, I used broccoli, ground beef, and cashews. Don’t hesitate to experiment. Continue reading