Tag Archives: EMFs

Food for Thought – Useful Info in Our New World

There are several resources I wanted to share with you this month. Information that has recently been released that I feel is important to your health and the health of your family. “Food for Thought covers the dangers of cell phone towers and wireless radiation using birds as an example, multiple reasons for the rise in human infertility worldwide, tools for helping our kids and teens with depression and anxiety, and why we need to start looking at our food labels differently. Continue reading

Informative Links for Optimal Health

I am back again, sharing information from some of my favorite holistic-minded practitioners and colleagues. As I have mentioned before, it is important to learn from a variety of people and sources so that you can better make your own informed decisions. Take what resonates with you and/or keep the information handy for when you need it.

A variety of informative links are included below: fertility, heart health, group healing and cancer biology. Each article or video gives you insight into some of the newest information on health; information that might not be easily found elsewhere. Continue reading

Getting Up to Speed on 5*G and Satellites

You can recognize a 5*G small cell tower by the circular antenna on top and the large box-like power source attached to the pole. (The one on the right has the power source with a Smart Meter built into the pole.)

“Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century.  It is imperative health practitioners, governments, schools and parents learn more about it. The human health stakes are significant”. ~ William Rea, MD (Founder of the Environmental Health Center, Dallas and Past President, American Academy of Environmental Medicine)

Yes, technology can do some cool things and actually be really beneficial in our lives. But when does it go too far? Technology is progressing so fast with little concern for our health and the long-term consequences to the environment.

5*G “small cell” towers are going up in droves throughout the United States and the world, not to mention hundreds of 5*G satellites already launched into space. The pictures above represent just a few types of 5*G towers going up throughout Nashville, Tennessee. (Additional examples are shown here.)

We need to educate ourselves before it is too late. Let me explain below some of the issues and provide you with additional sources for you to learn and do more. Many tools will be provided to assist you. Continue reading

Spring Cleaning For Strong Immune System

As a child I remember helping my mom “spring clean” the entire house, moving furniture and thoroughly cleaning every surface. I have to admit that I am not as diligent as my mom when it comes to my own house. However, Spring is a also a great time to clean out and prepare your body for the warmer months.

A good cleanse can help with allergies as well as your immune system. You also want to be prepared to support your body when bitten by ticks, fleas, and other bugs. And, don’t forget to limit your exposure to EMFs and wireless radiation, both of which can weaken your immune system. Learn more below. Continue reading

What is Dirty Electricity and What Can You Do About It? 

I learned about dirty electricity in more detail last year when I was at a health conference. Dirty electricity (DE) has been around since the invention of electricity and has been a known phenomena since the 1950’s, but the amount of DE that we experience on a daily basis has gotten much worse in recent years.

Changes in our utility services and greater use of energy efficient devices has increased our exposure to DE. Wireless technology has also increased DE in our homes, schools, and workplaces. I originally discussed DE in my last smart meter article. Below I will explain how to limit DE in your home and other locations.

Read on to find out what DE is and where it comes from, the health issues it can cause, and what you can do to protect yourself from it. Be sure to read all the way through to make sure you are protecting yourself the correct way.

Dirty Electricity Explained

Dirty electricity (like EMFs and wireless radiation) is another form of electrosmog. Also known as Continue reading

Dangers of Wi-Fi in Schools AND Our Kids

As my husband and I begin to look at different school options for our 11 year old son (who is currently being home-schooled), the thought of computers and, more specifically wireless technology (Wi-Fi), in the classroom has caused me to pause.

If you have not taken the time to educate yourself about electromagnetic fields (EMFs), especially the radio frequency (RF)  or electromagnetic radiation (EMR) being emitted from our cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, and many other wireless devices, now is the time!

Research is finally catching up to what many have come to realize instinctually: EMFs and EMRs are very, very bad for our health — contributing to mental health issues, all sorts of sleep issues, child behavior problems, unexplainable diseases, and even specific cancers. I am seeing the affects of it more and more in the clients that I see as well.

In your home and personal life, you have options. You can control how much you use your devices and put protection measures in place. You can turn off your Wi-Fi when not in use. And, you can convert your wireless electronics to wired options. (Refer to this previous post for actionable ways to reduce your EMF exposure.)

On the other hand, schools often have more than one Wi-Fi system in place, putting the children and the teachers in a constant exposure to radiation five days a week, 6 to 8 hours a day. There are wireless devices for teachers and staff, wireless devices for students, wireless utility meters and security systems, plus the cell phones and other personal devices both students and staff bring with them to school. Some schools even have cell towers directly on their property. All emitting radiation.

This is not good! In fact, certain countries have already issued recommendations to ban WiFi from schools – this includes Spain, France and Germany. Why? Continue reading

Deeper Healing. . . and Meeting My Heroes

A couple of months ago I was fortunate to be able to attended a conference in New Jersey called the “Lyme Light Mastermind Conference.” I met a few of my greatest holistic health heroes and mentors as they presented and I learned the latest tools for persistent Lyme Disease cases and other “deeper” illnesses. I also met a wide variety of practitioners who came from around the country and the world. (As an added bonus, I was able to catch up with a college friend I had not seen in years.)

The health heroes included:

  • Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – A medical doctor who has been practicing for over 30 years both in the US and Europe as well as founded multiple health clinics and educational academies. Using autonomic response testing (ART – like muscle testing but much more), he has been able to help people with some of the most difficult health challenges including Lyme disease and autism. He continues to be a pioneer in the field of holistic health using all types of therapies and modalities.
  • Dr. Joseph Mercola – A trained osteopath and board-certified family doctor who learned years ago that the body can be healed using natural methods. He started one of the first on-line health and wellness blogs, which is still one of the most popular today, and written several books. You can check his blog out out at www.mercola.com.
  • Dr. Zach Bush – A triple board-certified physician who also previously helped to develop chemotherapies, he now dedicates his time to researching and educating people about human health and longevity. He has much insight into the dangers of glyphosate and GMOs after having researched and tested them for years. He and his team also created a great gut product called RESTORE.
  • Dr. Lee Cowden – Board certified cardiologist and internest who incorporates integrative medicine in his practice. Practicing since 1984, he has pioneered successful treatments for Lyme disease, cancer, autism and much more. He had authored several books and is known for his “Cowden Protocol.”

I have been following the work of these exceptional people for a while now, some for many years. To see, meet, and learn from them all in one weekend was a rare opportunity!

Continue reading

SMART METERS are NOT Smart – How to Protect You, Your Family, and Your Pets!

20151226_151754-smart-meter-with-textI was working in the yard one day last December when I noticed that one of our electrical meters looked new. (We live in a converted duplex house so we have two meters.) When I called the electrical utility company to find out why we had a new meter, I learned that we now have a “smart meter”! Ugh!

Other states, like California and Florida, and other countries, like Canada and parts of Europe, have had electrical smart meters for several years, so I knew about them and knew enough to be concerned. They are now officially in Tennessee and slowly being installed throughout Nashville. Once I learned one was attached to my house, it was time to learn much more. Continue reading

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) – Why Worry About Them?

You can’t see them, you can’t hear them, you can’t taste them, but they are out there: electromagnetic fields (EMFs). And, they are affecting your health even if you do not realize it. We are all bombarded with electrical and magnetic frequencies as well as wireless radiation, dirty electricity and artificial light on a daily basis, at levels much higher previous generations. Continue reading

Leaky Gut – Do You Have It?

Escherichia coli (public domain)

Hippocrates, the physician known as the father of western medicine, knew it years ago when he said, “All disease begins in the gut.” Today, having a “leaky gut” is more common than you think. Also known as intestinal permeability, leaky gut occurs when the lining of your intestinal track is compromised and allows toxic food particles, environmental chemicals, and bacterial waste to leak through the gut lining, causing problems in other parts of your body. Below we will look at the common triggers of a leaky gut as well as the many health issues that can result, including autoimmune disease which is closely linked to having a leaky gut. The good news it that a leaky gut can typically be corrected if you are willing to make the necessary changes. Included below are some steps you can start taking today. Continue reading

Why to go Gluten-Free – Part 1


             Photo Credit: Kaz1980 via Compfight cc

What is all the hype about gluten? Have you been wondering if you should start eating gluten-free? If you find that you have unexplainable health problems or multiple food sensitivities, you need to read this. More often than not, a person who is gluten-sensitive has seen an endless line of doctors with few results.

This two-part blog post will discuss the why’s and how’s of “going gluten-free.” In this article, I will discuss gluten in detail, explaining the various ways gluten can affect your health and well being. In Part 2, I will explain the steps to take as you remove gluten (and other culprit foods) from your diet. You will learn the many places that gluten can hide and be given suggested food replacements and menu ideas. Most people feel better when they remove gluten from their diet. However, if you are dealing with health issues, eating a gluten-free diet will accelerate the healing process. Removing gluten especially helps with digestive issues, allergies, brain-related issues, and autoimmune diseases, but there is so much more. Continue reading