Tag Archives: garlic

Cilantro Garlic Dressing

If you like garlic and cilantro, you will love this dressing. Not only does it taste wonderful, but both garlic and cilantro have many healing properties.

Garlic is great for your immune system and acts as a natural anti-microbial. (You can learn more about garlic’s benefits here.)

Cilantro’s green leaves and stems are full of nutrients and are known to provide Continue reading

Protect Yourself from the Flu – Concentrate on Building Your Immune System 

It is not unusual to see more sickness during and after the holiday season – with the stress of eating more, traveling more, socializing more, etc. . . .and after all the treats that are so hard to resist.

Time to hit the “reset” button. Now that the festivities are over, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, work to rebuild your immune system, since a strong immune system strengthens your defenses again illness.

Here are some simple things we do in our house when the flu season starts rolling in:

1 – Drink more bone broth. Bone broth is nutrient dense and full of minerals. To learn more and find out how to make it yourself, click here. It is really easy to do. If you are vegetarian, consider making this vital broth at least once a week to help replenish your minerals and electrolytes. Continue reading

Garlic – A Natural “Antibiotic”

20150721_153805”The germ is nothing, terrain is everything.” – Claude Bernard (1817-1920)

Garlic acts as a natural “antibiotic” and helps support the immune system. The main component of garlic with antibacterial properties is the allicin, which is formed when the garlic clove is crushed. However, garlic has also been shown to have antiviral and anti-parasitic properties. Continue reading

Boosting Your Immune System Naturally

5104728271_f3046e4e87Photo Credit: comprock via Compfight © ”The germ is nothing, terrain is everything.”
Claude Bernard (1817-1920)

Did you know that each time you eat sugar, your immune system is compromised for up to five hours afterwards? Sugar can include candy bars, sodas and other foods obviously full of sugar, as well as fruit drinks, maple syrup, and other naturally sweetened products.

When your immune system is compromised and you are exposed to a bacteria or virus, you have a greater chance of catching it. Your white blood cells are not operating at 100%.

No wonder cold and flu season is so much more prevalent in the fall and winter months, especially after the holidays. First Halloween and then Christmas – both holidays full of sugary treats.

The good news is that you can also use foods (and other things) to boost your immune system naturally. Continue reading