Tag Archives: herbal tea

My Family’s Natural “Medicine Cabinet”

Now that the weather is getting colder and you hear about more people getting sick, I thought I would give you a quick peak into my family’s natural “medicine cabinet.”

It differs greatly from a typical medicine cabinet, filled with drug store medicines. Instead it includes herbs, essential oils, homeopathics, and even food and beverages.

Because the colder months bring shorter days with less sunlight and therefore less time to be outdoors for fresh air and exercise, we also make sure to put extra beneficial things into our bodies. Warm foods and beverages are key – things like drinking heated bone broth and vital veggie broth, drinking a variety of organic herbal teas*, and eating nourishing soups.

When we start to feel under the weather, here is a list of our favorite things to have on hand: Continue reading

My Favorite Herbal Teas

I was a fairly typical kid in the 1970’s. Soda was not allowed in our house except for special occasions. Instead, I got my daily dose of Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid and Nestle ice tea were our main source of liquids when we needed something to drink. We even made popsicles with Kool-Aid!

That all changed when my family “went natural” when I was 16 years old. (See more of My Story here.) Out went the Kool-Aid, the ice tea, and even the milk. In came the reverse osmosis water and herbal tea. It took a little while to get adjusted, but it was not too bad once we learned there were a wide variety of tea options.

Current Favorites

Here are a few of my current favorite herbal teas: Continue reading