Supporting Our Children in These Unusual Times

UPDATE December 2021 – For the latest information on children, injections, and how best to protection your family, read this comprehensive report: Save Our Children – 9 Things to Know in a COV!D World which has been duplicated in full here. (Use password KIDS.)

As parents we have been extra busy this past school year trying to negotiate the many changes in our schools and in society in general. Now that summer is here, I wanted to take a moment to summarize information I have more recently accumulated as it relates to our kids in these unusual times, in the hopes that it will help you make more informed decisions moving forward. Continue reading

Getting Up to Speed on 5*G and Satellites

You can recognize a 5*G small cell tower by the circular antenna on top and the large box-like power source attached to the pole. (The one on the right has the power source with a Smart Meter built into the pole.)

“Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century.  It is imperative health practitioners, governments, schools and parents learn more about it. The human health stakes are significant”. ~ William Rea, MD (Founder of the Environmental Health Center, Dallas and Past President, American Academy of Environmental Medicine)

Yes, technology can do some cool things and actually be really beneficial in our lives. But when does it go too far? Technology is progressing so fast with little concern for our health and the long-term consequences to the environment.

5*G “small cell” towers are going up in droves throughout the United States and the world, not to mention hundreds of 5*G satellites already launched into space. The pictures above represent just a few types of 5*G towers going up throughout Nashville, Tennessee. (Additional examples are shown here.)

We need to educate ourselves before it is too late. Let me explain below some of the issues and provide you with additional sources for you to learn and do more. Many tools will be provided to assist you. Continue reading

Your Fascia and New Ways to Hydrate

I have read about the fourth phase of water several times over the last few years and even tried multiple versions of structured water. However, it was not until I saw the video above that it really made sense – how critical the fourth phase of water is to hydrate your body.

The fourth phase of water, as discovered by Dr. Gerald Pollack, is not the H2O liquid, vapor, or solid we learned about in school. It is actually H3O2. Continue reading

Spring Cleaning For Strong Immune System

As a child I remember helping my mom “spring clean” the entire house, moving furniture and thoroughly cleaning every surface. I have to admit that I am not as diligent as my mom when it comes to my own house. However, Spring is a also a great time to clean out and prepare your body for the warmer months.

A good cleanse can help with allergies as well as your immune system. You also want to be prepared to support your body when bitten by ticks, fleas, and other bugs. And, don’t forget to limit your exposure to EMFs and wireless radiation, both of which can weaken your immune system. Learn more below. Continue reading

Eliminate Allergies Once and For All

Did you know that you can reduce and eliminate allergies? Allergies are often a result of other stressors on the body. Our bodies are incredible; however, they can only take so much. Over time, bad foods, toxin exposure, continuous stress, lack of sleep, and other things take a toll on our health.

When your immune system is compromised, it becomes more sensitive and reacts to certain irritants, which otherwise would not affect you. Allergies are your body’s response to these irritants. The symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that it needs extra support. Whether you have food allergies, airborne allergies, and/or seasonal allergies, read on to determine how you can relieve symptoms naturally and/or to conquer them once and for all. Continue reading

Sharing Wisdom and Healing

I feel compelled once again to share wisdom and healing from others. Partly because so many things are being censored (and therefore harder to find on the internet), but also because right now we all could use additional help in so many areas of our lives. Just one monthly article from yours truly can’t cover it all.

There are some great resources and many gifted healers out there if you know where to look. Maybe you will be inspired by one or more of the people featured below.

We are all here on this great earth to learn and grow and improve ourselves. As each of us strives to become a better person, we automatically help and improve those around us.

Things may seem more challenging right now, but remember that great growth can come from our largest challenges. Personal growth. Family growth. Community growth. National growth. Global growth. Continue reading

Oven Baked Fries

French fries are an American favorite, especially when eating out. However, most restaurant fries are deep fried in oils that are less than optimal. Typically GMO and pesticide laden vegetable oils are used, which are not made to be reheated over and over again. The oil becomes rancid after its first use.

These oils also oxidize when exposed to air and create what is known as aldehydes when heated at high temperatures, both of which are not good for the body. (Learn more about good and bad fats here.)

Instead, you can make your own healthy baked fries at home like we do. Continue reading

C-virus V*ccine – Are You Informed?

I do not typically write about v*ccines since it is such a polarizing topic and it is one of the most censored topics on the internet, but I feel this information on the newest v*ccine is critical for you to make an informed decision. V*ccines are a personal choice that each person should make after analyzing ALL the formation available and considering your personal health situation. Unfortunately, not all information is readily available unless you know where to look. Many links below to websites you should consider following for additional information going forward.

UPDATES: Since originally posting this article, more information has come to light and some experts are stating that this is not a v*ccine after all, but rather gene therapy. Click here to learn more. As of June 2021 all versions of the c-virus v*ccine have been approved only for “emergency use” in the US and have yet to be fully tested. As of late May, here is a summary of typical adverse reactions to the shots and related deaths in 12-17 year olds and in general. Plus a more current article with more details. We are also hearing of many women, both v*ccinated and unv*ccinated, having menstrual problems as well as pregnancy and fertility issues, some of which is explained here and here. If you already had the c-virus, read this article before considering the shot.

July 2021 UPDATES: A recent and comprehensive interview about the c-virus and the related shot from a MD that has treated both can be found here. Listen to this 7 minute talk by Dr. Tess Lawrie to learn more about Iv*rmectin specifically, so you can be better prepared going forward. Plus latest injury and death reports from CDC VAERS data. (Keep in mind that other v*ccines have been pulled off the market after less than 100 deaths.)

The concept of v*ccines is a noble one that can sometimes be very effective. In fact, my dad often spoke highly of a v*ccine used on their cow farm when he was growing up that saved most of the animals from an illness spreading through the country. Some human v*ccines may have saved lives as well.

However, today when there are multi-million-dollar pharmaceutical companies and many political agendas involved, there is sometimes a wide gap between the original v*ccine concept (of using the original infectious agent) and the final product typically used today (a shot with many additives and toxins).

Each v*ccine comes with a potential risk and that risk is different for each person. Continue reading

Gratitude and Inspiration

Can you feel the gratitude in your life? Being thankful for all the good in your life is important in your journey to optimal health. This is the season to stop and reflect. Even better, start a gratitude journal.

Studies have shown that repeating what you are thankful for can shift your biochemistry as well as your mental and emotional well-being, even if you don’t yet totally believe what you are saying.

Think about what you are grateful for every day – before you get out of bed in the morning, when taking a shower, when driving around, etc. Speak what you are grateful for during prayer or meditation. Write what you are grateful for in a journal each night before going to bed.

I am grateful for Continue reading

Fast Corn-free Tacos

Almost everyone loves tacos. However, it can be a challenge to make them dairy-free, gluten-free and GMO-free.

Yes, your traditional corn tortilla or taco shell is made of corn, which is considered gluten-free, but corn is a GMO-crop and one that is sprayed heavily before harvesting. Organic corn is is often cross contaminated. Corn is also a high-mold crop and many people have sensitivities to it (even if they do not realize it). Other corn tortillas and taco shells are made with toxic vegetable oils and/or added preservatives.

Luckily, some creative companies have figured out how to make good tasting tortillas and taco shells that are corn-free, gluten-free, and even grain-free. Once you have these, you can get creative with the rest of the ingredients, using your favorites. Continue reading

C-virus Part 4: Our Personal Journey

I have written before that I am not afraid of the c-virus. And, for the most part, I still believe that – even after a very bizarre personal family experience with the virus. Turns out it was the unknown things happening around us that were more nerve-wracking. As I tell you our story below, I will include things we did as a family to recover.

In early September, Continue reading

Romaine Green Drink (Low Oxalate)

As a family, we juiced many greens over the years using a wide variety of vegetables. In fact, years ago, my husband made me a veggie juice almost daily when I was pregnant.

However, some juices are too sweet to drink every day, like those with carrots, beets, and/or apples. Other juices contain veggies that are too high in oxalates for everyday consumption – things like spinach, beets, celery, chard, just to name a few.

The veggies in the recipe below create the perfect combination Continue reading

Health Crisis as a Spiritual Awakening

If you are a client that works with me, we have most likely discussed that fact that when your body gets sick or has a trauma, it is often trying to send you a message. Your illness is a wake-up call – and if you really pay attention it is often a spiritual awakening. I recently listened to the interview between two women who had two very different experiences. Each was open to listening to their body and their inner voice, which in the end brought them to a better version of themselves. It was a very uplifting interview and I wanted to share it.

When you work with me we include emotional, mental and spiritual work. You can clear old traumas and energy blocks which will ultimately help your physical body to heal, leading to a better overall version of yourself.

This article was written by Sharon K. Harmon, PhD, founder of Life Design for Health. As a “Health Designer” she has a passion for helping people find their way back to optimum health by looking at the body from a unique perspective. Please contact her if you would like to know more. There is a great deal of health-related information in her blog articles and on her website, including a healing foods and pantry list and recipes that are gluten-free, dairy-free and GMO-free. She is also passionate about EMF safety.

Can Your Mask Be Hurting You? What You Need to Know.

UPDATE 2020: A new negative affect of wearing masks for extended periods has come to light, this time from dentists who are beginning to see more cavities and gum disease since the higher use of masks. Dentists share my concern of continually breathing in your own microbes. We all have them in our mouths – they are an extension of your gut’s microbiome. If your microbiome is out of balance and you have more bad bacteria in your mouth than good bacteria, you could be making matters worse by wearing a mask and breathing through your mouth. If you have been wearing your mask for extended periods and you know you have potential dental issues, you may want to schedule a dentist appointment and get your teeth and gums checked out. In the mean time, breath through your nose when wearing a mask. See additional tips below.

Now that more and more cities, town and states are requiring masks in public places, I wanted to put out a few words of caution. The science is still not clear. Is a mask really beneficial? Does it truly prevent the spread of the virus? Can it cause more harm than good?

It is confusing, especially when the experts and government officials give us conflicting information, first telling us that masks were not necessarily protective and now telling us the opposite.* The truth may lay somewhere in between. And, it may depend on various factors.

As masks are required to work, go to school and be in public, it is time to consider some downsides of wearing masks, especially for longer periods of time. They can potentially hurt you. I am even more concerned about our children as they go back to school. I will explain below the possible negative effects and provide suggestions to minimize potential problems. Continue reading