Tag Archives: exercise

Let’s Talk About Poop

This article has been updated. It was originally posted August 2014.

Do you talk about poop at the dinner table? We did when I was growing up. My Mom, being a Naturopathic Doctor, asked each one of us if we had a good bowel movement that day.

I continued the tradition in my family.

Your poop can tell you a lot about your body. How often you go, how long it takes you, and what it looks like in the toilet are all clues. If your bowel movements are off, you are more likely to get sick – becoming more susceptible to germs and other more chronic conditions. Your stools are also a good indication if you are eating appropriately.

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Leaky Roofs, Alzheimer’s, and Healing Your Body

What does a leaky roof and your health have in common?

I was recently reminded of a concept that I first learned from Dr. Dale Bredesen in his book The End of Alzheimer’s. As he explains in detail in his book, Bredesen is having great success helping those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, helping them recover and return to leading full lives.

In his book, Bredesen makes an analogy between someone with Alzheimer’s and a roof with holes, or what I like to call a leaky roof.

He determined a total of 36 health markers that can compromise the brain, causing it to degrade. These markers include those that can be measured, such as brain-related peptides, hormones, and neurotransmitters, as well as lifestyle factors like quality of sleep and stress levels. (See details below.) Continue reading

For the Women in Your Life







Just in time for Mother’s Day, I wanted to share some of my favorite woman-inspired videos and tools.

Enjoy as you learn a wide variety of information that you can use and incorporate into your daily life.

The best of health to you and all the Moms out there!

Breast Health

Did you know that one of the best things you can do for breast health is to massage your lymph nodes? Unlike your vascular system which has the heart to pump your blood, your lymphatic system needs external stimulation like exercise to pump the lymph through your body. If you do not exercise enough, toxins can accumulate in your lymph nodes.

There are hundreds of lymph notes concentrated under your arm pits and around your breasts. You can vigorously massage under your arms and around your breasts on a daily basis to make sure toxins do not accumulate in those areas. Other concentrations of lymph nodes include down the sides of your neck, behind your knees, and your inner thighs. Take a moment during the day, especially if you have been sitting still for a while, to vigorously massage and stimulate these areas. Your body with thank you! Continue reading

Help Your Body Naturally Detox – Six Things You Can Do Starting Today

We are bombarded with toxins on a daily basis. From the foods we eat to the products we put on our body and the air we breath, chemicals and other toxins find their way into our bodies, our organs, and our cells. Even our thoughts and emotions create toxins.

The good news is that our body has naturally defense mechanisms that help eliminate some of these toxins. Continue reading

How Stress Affects Your Adrenal Glands

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Photo Credit: matthewcoughlin via Compfight cc

Most people do not think about their adrenal glands on a regular basis. However, whenever you get stressed, these two small glands work hard to support you.

This past month my adrenal glands have been in overdrive as we sold our old house and moved to a fixer-upper. We have been moving from room to room as a contractor works around us getting things in order. There are still boxes everywhere and work to be done.

One way to help overworked adrenals is to Continue reading