Tag Archives: immune building

Home Remedies for Immune Strength

Are you having a harder time staying healthy? Easy home remedies for your immune system to the rescue.

The last couple of years has put a strain on everyone’s immune system and it’s showing up more and more. People who never used to get sick are getting hit. Others who used to get sick a few days have illnesses that linger.

Rather than recounting all the new stressors we have been exposed to more recently, I would like to give you additional tools to use at home to support your body. Read on to learn how to assist your immune system and have the tools to support your body at home should you get sick. Continue reading

C-virus Part 1: Great Resources for Corona Virus Safety

Lots of information is being distributed by many sources about the new coronavirus (c-virus) and its related disease (COVID-19). I have been following it too, from my holistic-minded point of view.

I wanted to share with you a well-written, balanced article by a medical doctor I trust who has nicely organized the main facts and recommends many of the same things that I do.

See this article by holistic pediatrician Elisa Song, MD for the latest details.

Just like other viruses, people hit the hardest are the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

The good news is that children seem to be relatively protected from the COVID-19 with few getting sick compared to other age groups. Pregnant women who contract the virus in their third trimester are also continuing to have healthy babies.


What I wrote in this previous article about the last virus outbreak still applies: Protect Yourself from the Flu – Concentrate on Building Your Immune System. Keep reading below for many additional resources so that you can stay prepared.

In general, immune-building basics include: Continue reading