Tag Archives: GMOs

Deeper Healing. . . and Meeting My Heroes

A couple of months ago I was fortunate to be able to attended a conference in New Jersey called the “Lyme Light Mastermind Conference.” I met a few of my greatest holistic health heroes and mentors as they presented and I learned the latest tools for persistent Lyme Disease cases and other “deeper” illnesses. I also met a wide variety of practitioners who came from around the country and the world. (As an added bonus, I was able to catch up with a college friend I had not seen in years.)

The health heroes included:

  • Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – A medical doctor who has been practicing for over 30 years both in the US and Europe as well as founded multiple health clinics and educational academies. Using autonomic response testing (ART – like muscle testing but much more), he has been able to help people with some of the most difficult health challenges including Lyme disease and autism. He continues to be a pioneer in the field of holistic health using all types of therapies and modalities.
  • Dr. Joseph Mercola – A trained osteopath and board-certified family doctor who learned years ago that the body can be healed using natural methods. He started one of the first on-line health and wellness blogs, which is still one of the most popular today, and written several books. You can check his blog out out at www.mercola.com.
  • Dr. Zach Bush – A triple board-certified physician who also previously helped to develop chemotherapies, he now dedicates his time to researching and educating people about human health and longevity. He has much insight into the dangers of glyphosate and GMOs after having researched and tested them for years. He and his team also created a great gut product called RESTORE.
  • Dr. Lee Cowden – Board certified cardiologist and internest who incorporates integrative medicine in his practice. Practicing since 1984, he has pioneered successful treatments for Lyme disease, cancer, autism and much more. He had authored several books and is known for his “Cowden Protocol.”

I have been following the work of these exceptional people for a while now, some for many years. To see, meet, and learn from them all in one weekend was a rare opportunity!

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Good Fats and Oils – Learn Which Ones to Use and Why

Despite what you have been led to believe, we need to eat fats. In fact, most people should include healthy fats at every meal. The key word being “healthy.”

For years, fats, oils and fatty foods were given a bad rap. We were told that fats were bad for us. We were told to eat low-fat and no-fat foods. We were told to eat lean meats only. We were told to eat man-made fats like margarine and processed cheese instead of pure fats like butter and cheese made from real, whole-fat milk.

Many people in the United States followed this advice. Yet as a whole we did not get healthier. Continue reading

What Is In Your Fruits and Veggies??? – What to Look for When Purchasing Produce

Are you purchasing produce that is making your healthy or sick? If you are still eating produce grown with pesticides, please consider the following:

  • pesticides are known to accumulate in the body over time
  • pesticides tend to accumulate in the fat tissue of the body, such as breasts and prostate glands, which can affect healthy tissue in these areas
  • studies have linked the amount of pesticides eaten to emotional stability

You may consider eating organic to be more expensive, but in the long run you are saving much more in health problems and future medical bills. Continue reading

Shopping GMO-Free and Gluten-Free at Trader Joe’s (or Any Grocery Store)

Best - 20150930_103936People often ask me what I purchase when I grocery shop at Trader Joe’s. If you are not familiar with it, Trader Joe’s is what I consider a discount health food store. You can find many “natural” or “healthy” items there at a good price.

However, I shop at Trader Joe’s like I grocery shop everywhere else, very selectively. Not all “health food” products, no matter where you shop, are created equal. Continue reading

Simple Balsamic Dressing

9It has taken awhile, but my family has finally converted to homemade salad dressing. The reason it took so long is (1) store bought salad dressings contain sugar and other ingredients that are hard to resist (and actually quite addictive), and (2) because I needed to find an easy-to-make recipe and get into the habit of making it.

You definitely want to stay away from conventional salad dressings that contain many preservatives, bad oils, and genetically modified (or GMO) ingredients. Even supposedly natural dressings typically contain GMO oils, such as canola oil and/or soy bean oil, which are best to avoid.

Instead, try this homemade one. Continue reading

How Stress Affects Your Adrenal Glands

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Photo Credit: matthewcoughlin via Compfight cc

Most people do not think about their adrenal glands on a regular basis. However, whenever you get stressed, these two small glands work hard to support you.

This past month my adrenal glands have been in overdrive as we sold our old house and moved to a fixer-upper. We have been moving from room to room as a contractor works around us getting things in order. There are still boxes everywhere and work to be done.

One way to help overworked adrenals is to Continue reading

What’s Lurking in Your Bath and Body Products?

3163752268_89243ae90dPhoto Credit: -mrsraggle- via Compfight ©

I had a client this past month, actually a family of four, that found out that the bathroom wipes they were using were recalled because they contained Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia), a bacteria known to cause respiratory issues. The Mom was beside herself. The whole family came in to get screened and the bacteria was showing up in two of the family members. They thought they had an ongoing cold, but within a few days of being on the correct immune-building protocol, they were feeling better.

This scenario may be a little more extreme, but did you know that there are toxic ingredients in many of the bath and body products you use on a daily basis? This includes shampoo, soap, lotion, deodorant, sunscreen, perfumes/colognes, toothpaste, baby powder, wipes, nail polish, hand sanitizer, etc. Continue reading

Vital Broth Recipe for Electrolytes

4Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, phosphate, and sulfate. They are what your body needs to communicate at a cellular level. They are needed for many functions in the body including digestive, nervous, cardiac, and muscular systems.

You lose electrolytes when you get dehydrated through things like fevers, prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, excessive exercise, and just being outdoors when it is really hot outside. (Other health issues, cancer treatments, and taking certain medications can also deplete your electrolytes.) It is important to keep your electrolyte levels balanced. Continue reading

How to go Gluten-Free – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two-part blog. Part 1 discussed the many affects of gluten on the body and why you may want to eliminate gluten from your diet. If you are ready to eat gluten-free, this article will show you how, including suggested steps to take and alternate food options. It will also explain what to consider when eating out, selecting body products, and even purchasing vitamins and medications. Continue reading

Why to go Gluten-Free – Part 1


             Photo Credit: Kaz1980 via Compfight cc

What is all the hype about gluten? Have you been wondering if you should start eating gluten-free? If you find that you have unexplainable health problems or multiple food sensitivities, you need to read this. More often than not, a person who is gluten-sensitive has seen an endless line of doctors with few results.

This two-part blog post will discuss the why’s and how’s of “going gluten-free.” In this article, I will discuss gluten in detail, explaining the various ways gluten can affect your health and well being. In Part 2, I will explain the steps to take as you remove gluten (and other culprit foods) from your diet. You will learn the many places that gluten can hide and be given suggested food replacements and menu ideas. Most people feel better when they remove gluten from their diet. However, if you are dealing with health issues, eating a gluten-free diet will accelerate the healing process. Removing gluten especially helps with digestive issues, allergies, brain-related issues, and autoimmune diseases, but there is so much more. Continue reading

Boosting Your Immune System Naturally

5104728271_f3046e4e87Photo Credit: comprock via Compfight © ”The germ is nothing, terrain is everything.”
Claude Bernard (1817-1920)

Did you know that each time you eat sugar, your immune system is compromised for up to five hours afterwards? Sugar can include candy bars, sodas and other foods obviously full of sugar, as well as fruit drinks, maple syrup, and other naturally sweetened products.

When your immune system is compromised and you are exposed to a bacteria or virus, you have a greater chance of catching it. Your white blood cells are not operating at 100%.

No wonder cold and flu season is so much more prevalent in the fall and winter months, especially after the holidays. First Halloween and then Christmas – both holidays full of sugary treats.

The good news is that you can also use foods (and other things) to boost your immune system naturally. Continue reading

What Everyone Should Know About Genetically Modified (GM) Foods and Their Health

file0001959406482Changing one’s eating habits can be a daunting task, and one that is not often undertaken unless there is a good reason, such as a health crisis. But in today’s world it is becoming a necessity. When people come to see me it is not unusual for me to hear, “Well, I have always eaten this way and I never had a problem before.” or “I grew up on these foods and I turned out okay, so why should I change the way my child eats?” . . . But, our foods are not the same. Things have changed in the last 30 years and have become even worse in the last 10 to 15 years. I have been advocating eating GMO-free for a while now. However, after recently hearing Jeffry Smith, one of the leading experts on GMOs, speak several times, I want to stress to everyone the importance of eliminating all GMOs from your diet. When it comes to food, eating GMO-free should be everyone’s number one objective. Continue reading