Tag Archives: wireless radiation

Food for Thought – Useful Info in Our New World

There are several resources I wanted to share with you this month. Information that has recently been released that I feel is important to your health and the health of your family. “Food for Thought covers the dangers of cell phone towers and wireless radiation using birds as an example, multiple reasons for the rise in human infertility worldwide, tools for helping our kids and teens with depression and anxiety, and why we need to start looking at our food labels differently. Continue reading

SIBO. SIMO. SIFO. What’s Happening In the Small Intestine?

Is SIBO the new leaky gut? Until recently, digestive issues were often attributed to “leaky gut” but now everyone seems to be talking about “small intestine bacteria overgrowth” or SIBO.

SIBO is considered a bacteria issue. However, many people do not see lasting results from typical SIBO treatments. Now we are hearing new terms like SIMO (small intestine microorganism overgrowth) and SIFO (small intestine fungal overgrowth). What is really going on?

As we continue to see gastrointestinal (GI) problem occur in greater numbers, we need to step back and look at things differently. In reality, the GI tract starts at the lips and ends at the rectum. It is a continuous “tube” and problems can occur anywhere along the way: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Issues can also occur in the organs that feed into the GI tract.

The fact is SIBO or small intestinal problems in general can occur because of a wide variety of issues. Antibiotic use is a common cause for imbalance. Other regular culprits include unresolved food poisoning, toxic exposures, stress and traumas, and even electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). In fact, I believe our smart phones are a big contributing factor.

Continue reading and I will explain more about this and the many other possible causes and solutions for small intestine problems. Continue reading

Hospital EMFs Can Affect Healing

I found myself in multiple hospital and emergency rooms these past couple years, both with my father who passed away in early 2020 and then with my husband who had a health crisis later that year that lasted many months. Initially, I had not considered the amount of EMFs and wireless radiation in a hospital room.

At one point, however, after staying in the hospital for hours and days at a time, I started feeling the effects of being around so many electronics and so much wireless technology. I recognized the symptoms after previous experiences with smart meters installed on our house and exposure to dirty electricity. (See previous articles.)

So, I decided to record the number of electronics and wireless devices in a typical hospital room. Continue reading

Getting Up to Speed on 5*G and Satellites

You can recognize a 5*G small cell tower by the circular antenna on top and the large box-like power source attached to the pole. (The one on the right has the power source with a Smart Meter built into the pole.)

“Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century.  It is imperative health practitioners, governments, schools and parents learn more about it. The human health stakes are significant”. ~ William Rea, MD (Founder of the Environmental Health Center, Dallas and Past President, American Academy of Environmental Medicine)

Yes, technology can do some cool things and actually be really beneficial in our lives. But when does it go too far? Technology is progressing so fast with little concern for our health and the long-term consequences to the environment.

5*G “small cell” towers are going up in droves throughout the United States and the world, not to mention hundreds of 5*G satellites already launched into space. The pictures above represent just a few types of 5*G towers going up throughout Nashville, Tennessee. (Additional examples are shown here.)

We need to educate ourselves before it is too late. Let me explain below some of the issues and provide you with additional sources for you to learn and do more. Many tools will be provided to assist you. Continue reading

Spring Cleaning For Strong Immune System

As a child I remember helping my mom “spring clean” the entire house, moving furniture and thoroughly cleaning every surface. I have to admit that I am not as diligent as my mom when it comes to my own house. However, Spring is a also a great time to clean out and prepare your body for the warmer months.

A good cleanse can help with allergies as well as your immune system. You also want to be prepared to support your body when bitten by ticks, fleas, and other bugs. And, don’t forget to limit your exposure to EMFs and wireless radiation, both of which can weaken your immune system. Learn more below. Continue reading

Digital Dementia: Do You or Your Child Have It?

Digital Dementia - Do You Have It?

Have you heard about digital dementia? What about “tech trance” or “computer coma?” These are real concerns that health practitioners are seeing around the world . . . and health problems that are starting to be backed up by science.

We are all spending more time on screens than ever before – smart phones, computers, tablets, smart watches, e-readers, etc.  Even basic toddler toys now have screens in them.

All these screens are creating a new health crisis: digital dementia.

It is affecting our brain, causing problems for children and adults alike. We are literally losing brain function and, in some cases, brain size. This is a result of multiple factors that center around using screens: addiction, loss of one-on-one social interaction, exposure to EMFs and wireless radiation, and the effects of the blue light being emitted from these devices.

If you want to become less addicted, less anxious, less anti-social, and rebuild your brain, read on to find out more. As I explain the problems and the strategies for change, learn how you can make changes for yourself and your family.


Like the name sounds, Continue reading