Tag Archives: allergies

Spring Cleaning For Strong Immune System

As a child I remember helping my mom “spring clean” the entire house, moving furniture and thoroughly cleaning every surface. I have to admit that I am not as diligent as my mom when it comes to my own house. However, Spring is a also a great time to clean out and prepare your body for the warmer months.

A good cleanse can help with allergies as well as your immune system. You also want to be prepared to support your body when bitten by ticks, fleas, and other bugs. And, don’t forget to limit your exposure to EMFs and wireless radiation, both of which can weaken your immune system. Learn more below. Continue reading

Eliminate Allergies Once and For All

Did you know that you can reduce and eliminate allergies? Allergies are often a result of other stressors on the body. Our bodies are incredible; however, they can only take so much. Over time, bad foods, toxin exposure, continuous stress, lack of sleep, and other things take a toll on our health.

When your immune system is compromised, it becomes more sensitive and reacts to certain irritants, which otherwise would not affect you. Allergies are your body’s response to these irritants. The symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that it needs extra support. Whether you have food allergies, airborne allergies, and/or seasonal allergies, read on to determine how you can relieve symptoms naturally and/or to conquer them once and for all. Continue reading

Food Symptoms: Do the Foods You Eat Affect Your Health?

I know first hand that the foods we eat affect our health. I learned this early, when I was sixteen, after being on penicillin daily for 6 years. I had rheumatic fever and I was told that I would need to be on antibiotics indefinitely, or until my monthly throat cultures started coming back negative. The cultures never did, until I changed my eating habits. In fact, within one month of changing my diet my cultures started coming back negative and stayed that way for a whole year, at which time I was officially done with rheumatic fever.

And it was not just me. My whole family started eating better and there were four of us that could stop taking penicillin daily. This was back in the 1970s when Pringles, Kraft Singles, Kool-Aid, and Tang were all the rage. We stopped eating and drinking those. We also stopped eating Special K cereal for breakfast and Hostess HoHo’s as our lunch desert.

In addition to removing the processed foods, we also started eating more whole foods like oatmeal and seeds for breakfast, fruit for snacks, and a green side salad with every evening meal. We cleaned up our diet and it healed us.

Not only did improving my diet as a teenager heal my rheumatic fever, I also stopped getting chronic swimmers ear, my dyslexia started improving, I no longer got car sick, and I started getting better grades in school.

The State of Our Food Today

Fast forward to 2017. Unfortunately, we live in a different world where it is not as simple as Continue reading

Egg Substitutes – Leavening and Binding Options

20160430_151405Egg sensitivities are on the rise. Chicken eggs might be hard to digest or even cause an allergic reaction when eaten. A number of factors might be involved. For example, some believe that children become sensitive to eggs after their bodies are exposed to the egg proteins found in certain vaccines. Conventional store-bought eggs are another possible culprit since many are produced by chickens given antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals and fed genetically modified (GM) feed, which may ultimately alter the egg itself.

If you are sensitive and/or allergic to eggs, there are several alternatives. Continue reading

Are You Prepared for Allergy Season?

102“If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.” ― Deepak Chopra

Allergy season is almost here.

In Nashville, we have been having lots of rain too, which means that mold spores are also high. This will make allergy season even worse for some.

However, there is hope. Continue reading

What Everyone Should Know About Genetically Modified (GM) Foods and Their Health

file0001959406482Changing one’s eating habits can be a daunting task, and one that is not often undertaken unless there is a good reason, such as a health crisis. But in today’s world it is becoming a necessity. When people come to see me it is not unusual for me to hear, “Well, I have always eaten this way and I never had a problem before.” or “I grew up on these foods and I turned out okay, so why should I change the way my child eats?” . . . But, our foods are not the same. Things have changed in the last 30 years and have become even worse in the last 10 to 15 years. I have been advocating eating GMO-free for a while now. However, after recently hearing Jeffry Smith, one of the leading experts on GMOs, speak several times, I want to stress to everyone the importance of eliminating all GMOs from your diet. When it comes to food, eating GMO-free should be everyone’s number one objective. Continue reading