Know Your Pesticides – The Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen by EWG

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1“... children are much more sensitive and vulnerable to chemicals than adults are.”
― Dr. Philip Landrigan, MD (Dean for Global Health at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City)

If you are not yet familiar with the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and their food lists, you should check them out. Known as the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean Fifteen,” these lists help you to minimize your pesticide intake.

If you have children it is even more critical to be conscious of pesticides and use organic foods whenever possible – pesticides, chemicals, and other toxins accumulate in the body over time. Because of their smaller bodies, the concentration of these toxins is much greater in children.

Whether you are new to organic foods or a veteran needing a cheat sheet when you eat out, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a great resource.

Use the links below to see EWG’s most current lists:

Dirty Dozen – A list of the top 12 fruits and vegetables that are grown with a high concentration of pesticides. Definitely the produce you want to buy organic at all times.

Clean Fifteen – A list of the top 15 fruits and vegetables grown with the least amount of pesticides. If you are going to buy conventional produce, these are the ones that are the safest.

Both of the EWG lists are updated yearly. Since the lists change slightly each year, I like to keep track of the last few years to see what other produce might have showed up recently. If you go to their website and give EWG your email and zip code, they will send you pdf versions of the lists.

This article was written by Sharon K. Harmon, PhD, founder of Life Design for Health. As a “Health Designer” she has a passion for helping people find their way back to optimum health by looking at the body from a unique perspective. Please contact her if you would like to know more. There is a great deal of health-related information in her blog articles and on her website, including a healing foods and pantry list and recipes that are gluten-free, dairy-free and GMO-free. She is also passionate about EMF safety.

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