Supporting Our Children in These Unusual Times

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UPDATE December 2021 – For the latest information on children, injections, and how best to protection your family, read this comprehensive report: Save Our Children – 9 Things to Know in a COV!D World which has been duplicated in full here. (Use password KIDS.)

As parents we have been extra busy this past school year trying to negotiate the many changes in our schools and in society in general. Now that summer is here, I wanted to take a moment to summarize information I have more recently accumulated as it relates to our kids in these unusual times, in the hopes that it will help you make more informed decisions moving forward.

C-virus Shot Updates

As more and more children are getting the shot, new information has come to light in the last two weeks that you may want to consider for your own family. In fact, in June, the World Health Organization (WHO) came out with a statement saying, “Children should not be v*accinated for the moment.” (A few days later they changed their stance as explained in this article and this one.)

On June 25, the CDC also posted a new notice stating that here will be revisions to the fact sheets for the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech shots regarding heart-related reactions, specifically the increased risks of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart) following the shot. These are the two shots using the new messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, which has yet to be studied long term.

This article goes into more detail on how the CDC arrived at this decision. (Similar heart-related reactions are occurring in the military in those of the median age of 25 as being reported by the US Department of Defense.)

If you want to dig deeper, you can watch this video and learn what a variety of doctors had to say during the open public hearing session prior to the FDA “emergency use” approval of the shots for children.

Another concerning symptom that has not been officially addresses is the many adverse menstrual effects in girls and women. Doctors all over the world have been reporting that things like heavy periods, non-stop bleeding, menopause reversal, and even miscarriages are occurring (especially in the first and second trimester). There have also been reports of children as young as 3 years old and younger that have started vaginal bleeding after being exposed to grandparents who were recently vaccinated. You can read more here.

If you or someone you know is having possible reactions to the shot or unusual health issues after being exposed to someone who recently had the shot, please contact your health provider right away. I have been tracking natural solutions to some of these problems as well so contact me if you want to know more.

For general guidance, if you have a sick child, check out pediatrician Dr. Palevsky’s comprehensive web page here.

Masking and Emotional Support

To mask or not to mask has been controversial these last 18 months, especially as experts have changed their stance over time. However, for many children, it has been especially difficult.

Here is a talk given by a school founder who did not require masks in her Miami school last year. Her presentation includes videos from doctors explaining the possible detrimental effects to children who are required to wear masks. Reactions include emotional turmoil, reoccurring infections around the mouth, and loss of learning social cues, especially in younger children. (Additional resources can be found here.)

I am including this information not to place blame or induce guilt. Rather, I want to shine a light on the fact that work needs to be done to help our kids overcome the hurtles of this past school year. I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that many of our children especially need extra emotional support.

One resource that I recently discovered is a book titled Tap Into Joy: A Guide to Emotional Freedom Techniques for Kids and Their Parents. If you are not familiar with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, it is an easy technique to learn and use at home. This book is geared specifically to children’s issues. It is scripted, making it easy to understand and use. You can also customize the protocols to your needs, such as changing one of the fear-releasing protocols to “fear of mask.”

Additionally, flower essences, like Bach Rescue Remedy, can be beneficial. A custom blend of flower essences, catered to the child’s current state, is often better. The custom emotional eeCards that I create, which include flower essences and affirmations, are especially helpful for children (as well as adults).

EMFs and Social Media

This past year has also exposed our children to more technology and wireless radiation than normal as many kids have been taking classes virtually and keeping in touch with their friends through social media. The summer months can be challenging too, since they have more free time for gaming, watching videos, and communicating on digital devices.

If you need help limiting your children’s use of devices and social media, you can review my previous article on digital dementia here. It explains the detrimental effects and offers many suggestions on how to curb their use. I also continue to post Instagram videos on how to limit EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) and wireless (Wi-Fi) radiation in your home.

If you have a wireless Amazon device (Alexa, Ring, Echo) in your home, you should also know that on June 6, 2021 Amazon automatically connected your personal device to other devices in your neighborhood, essentially creating a public mesh system. Known as “Amazon Sidewalk,” this expanded service creates two potential problems: (1) privacy issues as more of your personal information is shared and (2) higher radiation (including 5G) as your device continually connects to other devices outside your home.

I still prefer you not have one of these wireless devices. However, if you do, I highly suggest you use this link to opt-out of the new connections. Children with their smaller bodies, bodies with higher water content, and thinner skulls are especially affected.

For additional health support when it comes to EMFs and wireless radiation, at a minimum you should consider including a mineral and/or magnesium supplement. This will  help counteract some of the negative effects of wireless radiation, which will become increasing important as more 5*G technology is introduced as explained here. For other more proactive solutions, please contact me.

Going Back to School

Before sending your child back to school, you should know there is a fairly new curriculum being taught in many public schools throughout the country, including 22 counties in Tennessee. It is called Wit and Wisdom and it is specifically used in kindergarten through fifth grade. It sounds harmless, but as you can see in this video it is far from it.

If you have seen a change in your younger child’s emotional well being this past year and attributed it to masks and social isolation, this curriculum (or others like it) could also be contributing to it. Again, as briefly explained above, your child may need additional emotional support to counter the effects. If you need help, please contact me.

Parenting through these times have been especially challenging.

Many changes have happened over the last 18 months or so. It is important to know what is going on and to review all sides of the issue so that you can make the best decision for your children and your family.

Whatever the decision, know that there are things you can do to help balance what is going on. Let’s work together to keep our children healthy and emotionally strong so they can grow up to be the best version of themselves!

Take a moment to listen to this uplifting song from an old friend, Shawn Gallaway, who is singing for our children.

This article was written by Sharon K. Harmon, PhD, founder of Life Design for Health. As a “Health Designer” she has a passion for helping people find their way back to optimum health by looking at the body from a unique perspective. Please contact her if you would like to know more. There is a great deal of health-related information in her blog articles and on her website, including a healing foods and pantry list and recipes that are gluten-free, dairy-free and GMO-free. She is also passionate about EMF safety.

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