Tag Archives: vagus nerve

Can Your Mask Be Hurting You? What You Need to Know.

UPDATE 2020: A new negative affect of wearing masks for extended periods has come to light, this time from dentists who are beginning to see more cavities and gum disease since the higher use of masks. Dentists share my concern of continually breathing in your own microbes. We all have them in our mouths – they are an extension of your gut’s microbiome. If your microbiome is out of balance and you have more bad bacteria in your mouth than good bacteria, you could be making matters worse by wearing a mask and breathing through your mouth. If you have been wearing your mask for extended periods and you know you have potential dental issues, you may want to schedule a dentist appointment and get your teeth and gums checked out. In the mean time, breath through your nose when wearing a mask. See additional tips below.

Now that more and more cities, town and states are requiring masks in public places, I wanted to put out a few words of caution. The science is still not clear. Is a mask really beneficial? Does it truly prevent the spread of the virus? Can it cause more harm than good?

It is confusing, especially when the experts and government officials give us conflicting information, first telling us that masks were not necessarily protective and now telling us the opposite.* The truth may lay somewhere in between. And, it may depend on various factors.

As masks are required to work, go to school and be in public, it is time to consider some downsides of wearing masks, especially for longer periods of time. They can potentially hurt you. I am even more concerned about our children as they go back to school. I will explain below the possible negative effects and provide suggestions to minimize potential problems. Continue reading