Tag Archives: healthy home

SMART METERS are NOT Smart – How to Protect You, Your Family, and Your Pets!

20151226_151754-smart-meter-with-textI was working in the yard one day last December when I noticed that one of our electrical meters looked new. (We live in a converted duplex house so we have two meters.) When I called the electrical utility company to find out why we had a new meter, I learned that we now have a “smart meter”! Ugh!

Other states, like California and Florida, and other countries, like Canada and parts of Europe, have had electrical smart meters for several years, so I knew about them and knew enough to be concerned. They are now officially in Tennessee and slowly being installed throughout Nashville. Once I learned one was attached to my house, it was time to learn much more. Continue reading

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) – Why Worry About Them?

You can’t see them, you can’t hear them, you can’t taste them, but they are out there: electromagnetic fields (EMFs). And, they are affecting your health even if you do not realize it. We are all bombarded with electrical and magnetic frequencies as well as wireless radiation, dirty electricity and artificial light on a daily basis, at levels much higher previous generations. Continue reading