Tag Archives: EMF protection

What is Dirty Electricity and What Can You Do About It? 

I learned about dirty electricity in more detail last year when I was at a health conference. Dirty electricity (DE) has been around since the invention of electricity and has been a known phenomena since the 1950’s, but the amount of DE that we experience on a daily basis has gotten much worse in recent years.

Changes in our utility services and greater use of energy efficient devices has increased our exposure to DE. Wireless technology has also increased DE in our homes, schools, and workplaces. I originally discussed DE in my last smart meter article. Below I will explain how to limit DE in your home and other locations.

Read on to find out what DE is and where it comes from, the health issues it can cause, and what you can do to protect yourself from it. Be sure to read all the way through to make sure you are protecting yourself the correct way.

Dirty Electricity Explained

Dirty electricity (like EMFs and wireless radiation) is another form of electrosmog. Also known as Continue reading

SMART METERS are NOT Smart – How to Protect You, Your Family, and Your Pets!

20151226_151754-smart-meter-with-textI was working in the yard one day last December when I noticed that one of our electrical meters looked new. (We live in a converted duplex house so we have two meters.) When I called the electrical utility company to find out why we had a new meter, I learned that we now have a “smart meter”! Ugh!

Other states, like California and Florida, and other countries, like Canada and parts of Europe, have had electrical smart meters for several years, so I knew about them and knew enough to be concerned. They are now officially in Tennessee and slowly being installed throughout Nashville. Once I learned one was attached to my house, it was time to learn much more. Continue reading