Tag Archives: fragrances

What’s Lurking in Your Bath and Body Products?

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I had a client this past month, actually a family of four, that found out that the bathroom wipes they were using were recalled because they contained Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia), a bacteria known to cause respiratory issues. The Mom was beside herself. The whole family came in to get screened and the bacteria was showing up in two of the family members. They thought they had an ongoing cold, but within a few days of being on the correct immune-building protocol, they were feeling better.

This scenario may be a little more extreme, but did you know that there are toxic ingredients in many of the bath and body products you use on a daily basis? This includes shampoo, soap, lotion, deodorant, sunscreen, perfumes/colognes, toothpaste, baby powder, wipes, nail polish, hand sanitizer, etc. Continue reading