For the Women in Your Life

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Just in time for Mother’s Day, I wanted to share some of my favorite woman-inspired videos and tools.

Enjoy as you learn a wide variety of information that you can use and incorporate into your daily life.

The best of health to you and all the Moms out there!

Breast Health

Did you know that one of the best things you can do for breast health is to massage your lymph nodes? Unlike your vascular system which has the heart to pump your blood, your lymphatic system needs external stimulation like exercise to pump the lymph through your body. If you do not exercise enough, toxins can accumulate in your lymph nodes.

There are hundreds of lymph notes concentrated under your arm pits and around your breasts. You can vigorously massage under your arms and around your breasts on a daily basis to make sure toxins do not accumulate in those areas. Other concentrations of lymph nodes include down the sides of your neck, behind your knees, and your inner thighs. Take a moment during the day, especially if you have been sitting still for a while, to vigorously massage and stimulate these areas. Your body with thank you!

To learn more about the latest information on mammography, click here. An alternate type of screening that is gaining more popularity, but it not always covered by insurance, is called breast thermography. It uses digital infrared imaging so no radiation is used in the scan.

The Power of Menopause

Click here to watch a woman-empowering video. One of my favorite holistic mental health practitioners, Dr. Kelly Brogan, interviews Dr. Christiane Northrup, a long time advocate of women’s health. Dr. Northrup practiced as an OB/GYN for 25 years and has been writing holistic-minded health books for women since 1994. She is a wealth of information.

Although the title includes the word “menopause,” Dr. Northrup covers a wide variety of women’s health issues including birth control, breast health, the importance of our cycles, the significance of age 42, and much more. A must see for those approaching their 40’s and older. (Very informative for the significant other as well!)

Healthy Alternative to Contraception 

Most methods of contraception are not good for the body. In additional to manipulating your hormones, the pill wrecks havoc with the microbiome, killing off good bacteria in your gut (and other places in the body) similar to antibiotics. Copper IUDs and copper coils can potentially create copper toxicity in the body. Other contraceptives introduce man-made materials and chemicals into the body.

The best alternative I have found is the Daysy. It has 99.4% accuracy in determining your fertility status, so it is useful both as a contraceptive and for tracking when the chance of pregnancy is optimal.

Exercise and Aging Gracefully

I recently came across a podcast than totally changed how I look at exercise. I have learned over the years that over-exercising can be just as detrimental as not exercising. My typical regimen includes a mix of walking with short bursts of sprints, stretching, some core work, and yoga depending on my mood. After watching this video, I will definitely be adding squats!

This interview with Dr. Tyna Moore is worth the watch. The exercises she describes provides many benefits that include anti-aging, hormone balancing, pain reduction, etc. Be sure to watch!

HPV Vaccine Update

I have heard from multiple young women over the years who have had a negative reaction to the HPV vaccine. Personally, I am not a big fan. Be sure to educate yourself before getting it. Even the American College of Pediatricians have spoken out about its dangers. Click here to learn more.

This article was written by Sharon Harmon, founder of Life Design for Health. As a “Health Designer” she has a passion for helping people find their way back to optimum health. Please contact her if you would like to know more. There is a great deal of health-related information in her blog articles and on her website. Including additional suggested resources (books and articles) by topic, a pantry list that is gluten-free, dairy free and GMO-free, and a healing foods list.

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