Category Archives: Self Care

For the Women in Your Life







Just in time for Mother’s Day, I wanted to share some of my favorite woman-inspired videos and tools.

Enjoy as you learn a wide variety of information that you can use and incorporate into your daily life.

The best of health to you and all the Moms out there!

Breast Health

Did you know that one of the best things you can do for breast health is to massage your lymph nodes? Unlike your vascular system which has the heart to pump your blood, your lymphatic system needs external stimulation like exercise to pump the lymph through your body. If you do not exercise enough, toxins can accumulate in your lymph nodes.

There are hundreds of lymph notes concentrated under your arm pits and around your breasts. You can vigorously massage under your arms and around your breasts on a daily basis to make sure toxins do not accumulate in those areas. Other concentrations of lymph nodes include down the sides of your neck, behind your knees, and your inner thighs. Take a moment during the day, especially if you have been sitting still for a while, to vigorously massage and stimulate these areas. Your body with thank you! Continue reading

Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Your Gut Microbiome

As a young girl, I was on penicillin daily for six years, so I know first hand the affects of a compromised microbiome. Over the years, I had to work hard on healing the gut and even today I still need to be proactive, using many of the methods I explain below.

The term “microbiome” typically refers to the bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract (or gut), specifically in the large intestines. These bacteria live in harmony with other microbes in our gut such as viruses, fungi, and parasites. Some report up to 100 trillion bacterial cells reside in our gut microbiome, which cumulatively comprise more genetic makeup than all the other cells in our body.

These bacteria consists of commensal (friendly or good) bacteria and pathogenic (harmful or bad) bacteria. In the past, the common thought was that we had to kill off the “bad” bacteria and replenish the “good.” The problem is that when you try killing off the harmful bacteria, you also kill the good.

More recent research indicates that both types of bacteria, the good and the bad, live in harmony with each other. The key is to have enough good bacteria at all times so that the commensal bacteria keep the pathogenic bacteria in check.

You want to improve and maintain a balanced microbiome by eliminating the things that disrupt the microbiome and create a well rounded strategy to encourage bacteria diversity. Hint: It is more than just taking a probiotic (or prebiotic) supplement. Some of the suggestions below may surprise you! Continue reading

Digit Fidget: A Fun and Easy Way to Massage Your Whole Body

My family has been enjoying our new found device – “a digit fidget.” As you can see from the picture, it is a small woven wire ring that fits around your finger. As you role it slowly up and down each finger, the points from the wire gently massages your finger to relax and calm your whole body.

It is hard to believe, but it works amazingly well. We first discovered it this summer at a local store. The sales person told us that her boss uses it before presentations to help calm her nerves. Others use it to help relieve anxiety, ADHD, soreness, fatigue, the pain from arthritis, among other things.

From an energetic point of view, it really is massaging your entire body. We all have energy pathways running Continue reading

The Wonder of Lemons

As a fruit, the lemon is typically too tart to eat on its own. In fact, most people think lemons are acidic. They may taste that way in the mouth but once inside your digestive system, your body considers lemon juice alkaline.

Lemon juice has many healing uses. The wonder of lemons include: Continue reading