Tag Archives: build immune system

Protect Yourself from the Flu – Concentrate on Building Your Immune System 

It is not unusual to see more sickness during and after the holiday season – with the stress of eating more, traveling more, socializing more, etc. . . .and after all the treats that are so hard to resist.

Time to hit the “reset” button. Now that the festivities are over, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, work to rebuild your immune system, since a strong immune system strengthens your defenses again illness.

Here are some simple things we do in our house when the flu season starts rolling in:

1 – Drink more bone broth. Bone broth is nutrient dense and full of minerals. To learn more and find out how to make it yourself, click here. It is really easy to do. If you are vegetarian, consider making this vital broth at least once a week to help replenish your minerals and electrolytes. Continue reading