“THE BEST OF” Health-Improving Articles

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This post is an accumulation of previous popular posts. All of them provide health-improving strategies for you and your family.

Building Your Immune System
Following specific food and supplement strategies for boosting your immune system can be extremely helpful as we move into the colder months and the “flu season.” Use the list towards the bottom of the post to help create a natural medicine cabinet so you are prepared if you start feeling under the weather. Here is another immune building article with additional ideas.

Poop and Your Microbiome
Having good bowel movements daily is one of the fundamental keys of good health. But do you know what a good poop is suppose to look and feel like? This post includes the Bristol Stool Chart so you know what to look for. It also gives you suggestions for improvement. In case you need more help, here are additional ideas for boosting the good bacteria in your gut – an especially important thing to do after taking a round of antibiotics.

Smart Meters and EMFs
If you have not yet checked your own house, please read this article about smart meters. Make sure you are not sleeping or working near one and get a smart meter guard if necessary. This post includes additional tips for cleaning up the electromagnetic fields in your home – both from dirty electricity and from cell phone and wi-fi radiation. Do as many things on the lists as possible because the more you can clean up the EMFs in your life, the more your body can maintain optimal health.

Health Triggers
No two people are the same. They may have the same health issue(s) or the same illness, but they typically arrive there from different paths. Use this article to help determine the possible health triggers in your life. Believe it or not, looking back on your health history can help you get to the bottom of a health issue.

Water and Your Health
Another key to good health is drinking quality water – definitely not tap water. However, many people do not realize how bad bottled water and refrigerator filtered water can be. Find out why and learn some healthier water purification options. This article provides some additional information . . . and this one is just fun to watch, showing you how incredible water can be!

Healthy Snack Ideas
As kids head back to school, it is always helpful to have some new lunch and snack ideas — especially when you are trying to be gluten-free, dairy-free, and GMO-free. If you want to try some new things, check out how to make popped sorghum and homemade marshmallows.

I continue to write on a wide variety of health-related topics and post new recipes monthly. To learn more, go to my blog to look for additional topics of interest using the search feature or reviewing the blog categories further down the page.

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This article was written by Sharon Harmon, founder of Life Design for Health. As a “Health Designer” she has a passion for helping people find their way back to optimum health. Please contact her if you would like to know more. There is a great deal of health-related information in her blog articles and on her website. Including additional suggested resources (books and articles) by topic, a pantry list that is gluten-free, dairy free and GMO-free, and a healing foods list.


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