Tag Archives: mind

Healing Our Children’s Brain and Mind

“Kids today are exposed to so many things that were not around when we were growing up.”

I know. Every generation says the same thing because the world keeps changing. However, the digital boom of the last 20 years or so has made childhood exponentially different today.

Anxiety, learning disabilities, depression, and even suicide . . . are all on the rise and even more so in the last few years. It is not a coincidence. Although digital devices may not be the only culprit, it is a huge factor.

Children are being exposed to screens and social platforms way before their brains are developed enough to handle it. Much of it is too much for an adult, let alone a minor, as I explained in my previous article about digital dementia. (Yes, that is a thing.)

In this article, I want to introduce you to two new heroes of mine when it comes to healing our children’s brain and mind. Both recently launched books. Be sure to read to the end for additional mental help tips. Continue reading