Tag Archives: chocolate chips

Gluten-free Chocolate Chip Cookie

These are the cookies we will be leaving out for Santa this Christmas Eve. I think I finally created a chocolate chip cookie recipe that is gluten-free and good tasting – no small feat since we have tried many recipes over the years. They are liked by friends and family alike. . . and hopefully Santa too. Try them and see if you agree!

This recipe uses rapadura sugar, which is less processed than other other sugars. It is made from unrefined cane sugar so it is full of vitamins and minerals, including iron. Because the color is similar to brown sugar, the cookies tend to bake darker overall. That is why I use white rice flour instead brown rice flour. (I also sometimes add some white cane sugar for the same reason.)

The chocolate chips I use are made by Equal Exchange. (Be sure to check the link below). These chips have only three ingredients, are all organic, contain no GMOs (like soy lecithin), and taste great. (They are available semi-sweet and bittersweet.) Continue reading