Tag Archives: BPA-BPS

Plastic Toxins in Our Bodies and Our World

Last week my son and I watched a documentary called A Plastic Ocean  and I can’t stop thinking about it. I knew that plastic is bad for the environment and I knew that plastic is bad for our health, but I did not truly comprehend the full extent of the damage.

Over the years, I have taken a number of steps to reduce the amount of plastic in my family’s life, most often for health reasons. After seeing first hand the damage it has done around the world to people, wildlife and nature in general, it makes me want to take it to a whole other level.

There are still areas where I can improve, like using less plastic (or reusable) bags in the produce section of the grocery store. Plastic bags alone can survive up to 500 years in the ocean!

Plastic is indestructible. It is not biodegradable. Harder plastics may break down over time but it only breaks down into smaller pieces. Pieces that animals mistake for food and even smaller microscopic particles that get into our waterways and drinking water and into our lungs as dust. Plastic nano-particles can also get absorbed by our skin.

Read on to find out how plastic affects our health, as well as the health of our pets and wildlife in general. Use the lists below to see how you can reduce the plastic in your life. It is not too late to make a change. Plus the less plastic you are exposed to on a daily basis, the easier it is for your body to be healthy. Every little bit helps. Continue reading